Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Erudite Hick is Erudite

Long awaited, heavily anticipated, nonsensical ravings of me are returning to the internets. I know I have done this before, I build up a small following and then I stop updating and lose the log-in information but this time is different! I have much greater responsibilities to shirk (and ADD medicine, and a more stable email address).

Why write about things I have to write when I could write about the random fun crap that's cluttering up my brain? Really, who wants to read about math-y, ol' economics when they can read about underpants gnomes and liquor-inspired adventures or whatever? There is no "Journal of Exciting Adventures and Underpants Gnomes." PLUS scholarly journals usually frown on profanity, which is unfortunate because economics would be a lot cooler with more profanity (and probably make a lot more sense).
Example-"we have seen a small quarterly increase in domestic production but it is anticipated that unemployment rates will probably remain stable for several more quarters while interest rates are expected to..." BLA BLA BLA (TLDL)*
People hear that and say "OMFG?!?! that's so many words and they all sound BAD! Everybody PANIC!!!!!!"
*but* Translated into not-boring: "Shit was fucked, but it's not as fucked as it was, give it a little bit and it should stop sucking completely"
Then people would say "Yay, things are getting better, let's celebrate with malt liquor!"
*sigh* when I am Empress-of-all-that-doesn't-suck....but that is a post for another day.

*TLDL similar to TLDR - too long, didn't read also the newly invented TLGDSTAT&G - too long, got distracted, started thinking about triangles and goats


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